Tuesday, May 5, 2009

enters stage left, bows....

Hello! I'm Bryn Colvin and I'm delighted to be participating in Jerry Race's mm blog. I shall (assuming aliens do not kidnap me, seas do not rise, or the power go off) be blogging here every Tuesday, sharing my enthusiasm for m/m literature.

I started writing m/m some years ago, thanks largely to encouragement from Nix Winter. My first significant forray was a re-telling of the Gawain and the Green Knight story (which included a scene of King Arthur kissing Gawain! I did love writing that!). I haven't looked back.

I've written a lot of short stories about gay guys, which you can find at www.loveyoudivine.com where I'm heavily involved in the His and His Kisses line. Authors include Nix Winter, Carol McKenzie, Max Griffin, Alex Morgan, Jane Bled, and Ryan Field - a nice mix of lads and lasses, either writing what they know, or indulging their fantasies.

In the rest of my life I sing and play a lot of music, wander about in the woods when I can and drink way too much coffee.


JerryR said...

Thanks Bryn. You did a great job for your intro. Hmm. Drinking coffee in the woods. :)

Desirée Lee said...

Bryn's a terrific author!

Carpe Noctem,

Desirée Lee
Putting the Romance Back in Necromancy

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