Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Making introductions

As well as writing, I edit and manage the His and His Kisses line at loveyoudivine.com Through it I've met some really lovely authors, and had some great books to read. I thought this week I'd gush, shamelessly about some of the people whose work I love.

Nix Winter got me into writing m/m. She's fabulous, her work incredibly sensual and I keep falling in love with her characters. Her men tend to be delicate, pretty, but still physically very masculine. She writes wonderful fantasy settings and does gorgeous illustrations.

Jane Bled is our newest lass. She does dark, with twisted humour, violent power exchange, and vampires. With a lyrical, seductive writing style, her stories are hard to put down. She makes me laugh, and wince, and wonder.

Max Griffin as been writing for a while, but I've only just encountered him. 'Lindermont Lovers' is his latest release - a mystery romance and partly a homage to 'Rebecca' - as a Du Maurier fan, I had a lot of fun reading this. Max is direct, intense, and crafts a good story.

I'm getting to know Alex Morgan, Jon Michaelsen, Jaime Samms and Ryan Field, so hopefully I'll be able to share a bit more about them in the future.

The great thing about editing is getting to read new stories before anyone else does. That can be such a thrill, especially with a new author about to be unleashed upon the world. It's a joy sitting down with someone's work and helping to polish it up - not that this lot need much polishing! Currently, the big project is a paranormal anthology - Immortal Fire - with some new authors coming onboard for that. I spent yesterday editing M King's contribution, which was quite a page turner! More news on that as things progress. We have an egroup - http://groups.yahoo.com/group/hisandhiskisses if you fancy wandering along.


JerryR said...

hey Bryn, Thanks for introducing me to those authors. You've written another good post, kiddo. Keep up the good work.

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